Sunday, 14 May 2017

Chemist Confessions

Those who know me well know I LOVE a chemist. I have to ration myself to two visits a month (I mean once a week obvs). When I say chemist I mean Boots or Superdrug or anywhere that sells lotions and potions and crazy coloured cosmetic things. An independent chemist is the gin to my tonic.........the drugstore is my drug.

It began when the Mothership would take me to top up her stock of Elnett, Max Factor Creme Puff (that smell ) and her green and blue chubby stick eye liners (cool then in the 80's and doubly cool now!) I remember walking the aisles mesmerised at the powdery, clean smells and the 100's of bottles of creams. Body creams, face creams, bubble bath, shampoos, hairspray, Bobby pins, a million different coloured scrunchies, padded hair bands (it was the 80's! Shhhh!) Tiny soaps in Art Deco tins, make up galore, galore, GALORE and not to mention the glorious array of perfumes behind the glass counter. This particular chemist also had a jolly pharmacist who dispensed helpful advice and stickers for poorly kids, a set of massive retro scales (we avoided them), a terrifying metal foot measure (not like the fun Clarks actual foot monster!) and an enormous stack of lollies by the till. 
(Come to think of it, my obsession may well have started with the fact I got a lolly on every visit!)

This place was heaven!

It was where Mum bought me my first set of cleanser, toner and moisturiser at 13. Three small bottles of magic. She drilled it into me 'Look after your skin’s boring now but you'll thank me' she'd say as I was eye rolling at the enormity of the chore at bed time. Such a surly teenager! 

Now the 'deslapping' is my favourite part of the day and thanks to her early advice my skin is pretty OK, save a few hormonal breakouts or 'SpotTwats' as I prefer to call them. I also have a few lines here and there. I'm in my mid *coughs* late 30'’s entirely normal. *ignores the ravages of time and pretends to age gracefully*

Anyway anyway anyway......the problem with this love of chemists is a love of a product and here my dear reader is the crux of the issue. As it says in my bio I have an potentially bankrupting skin care and make up habit and this is the reason I have to limit my visits and it is physically impossible for me not to spend at least £30* on each visit *a conservative estimate!

A trip produces an endorphin rush that any devotee or athlete will understand. (I'm told exercise gives a similar effect not that I would know, having never voluntarily exercised in my life. I'm just cannot paint your nails whilst jogging!)

Of course nowadays the traditional chemist has been slightly overtaken by the high street giants with their strip lighting and homogeneous uniformity. That is not a criticism in any way, it's just produces a different feeling, modern and innovative rather than nostalgic and dreamy. I'm into both to be honest.

So this very long and rambling introduction is the admission of a visit. A fruitful visit too, a visit where I procured a number of wonderful things. Things I'm going to tell you about because I'm an addict that loves to share the rush of a beauty purchase.

I have however rambled on far too long for this post so I figured I'd do a series (OK…maybe 2 max) of posts about my most recent purchases to breakdown the monotony of my drivel. Plus talking about ALL THE THINGS enhances the addiction so DEAL WITH IT!  😃

Non beauty product lovers feel free to ignore/delete/unfriend at this point. I know only me and a handful of pals care about this frivolous yet brilliant stuff. I won't mind or never speak to you again you absolute shower!!!!!

Snogs and see you soon with product pleasure.


  1. Love it!!! Max Factor Crème puff is my forgotten love, the smell reminds me of sitting on the back of the sofa removing the entire max factor counter off my nan's face! x

    1. Its truly one of life great smells. The Max Factor/Elnett combo is a dream! :-) x

  2. Omg can't wait to find out what you bought xx

    1. Ha.......I need to get writing :-) x


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