Monday, 15 May 2017

A Lovely Pear

In the first instalment of the 'things what I bought' we're going to be talking pears, specifically a perfume called 'Pear'. 

Now...I have a fondness for all things pear.

Actual pears, green one, pinky ones....delicious and juicy. To me they taste of autumn, the season of mist and mellow fruitfulness and the best season in my opinion. Pear Drops, sugar treats that make me cough (is that only me?). What's better than a little paper bag of pink and yellow sweets that make you cough...very retro. Pear vodka is a bit of winner too and I await the day I sample some pear gin and then my life will probably be complete.

Back in the day (approx 1999) I had a top that had a big green pear on the front with the words 'Lovely Pear' emblazoned across the front. I nattily teamed it with a denim skirt and jacket (I have literally never been cool....not even in my youth!) and I'll never forget the look on my Dads face as I swanned out for a Saturday night knees up. I'm still not sure if that was his horror at the suggestiveness or the double denim error! 

Anyway anyway anyway....what I'm leading up to is the purchase of my Holy Grail perfume.

Marc Jacobs 'Pear'. 

I first found this perfect perfume in duty free at Heathrow airport approximately 100 years ago, I didn't buy it as I suspect it was WAY out of my price range back then but I have been searching for it ever since. Every perfume shop I passed, ever department store I perused, I couldn't find it. I resigned myself to the fact it had probably been discontinued....ho hum....buggery balls! 

Then...Friday night whilst on the aforementioned Boots spree, thinking I have Advantage card points to spend (a testament to how much cashola I spend there! I need help!) I wandered over to the fragrance section as I normally do to sneak a spray of something new and exciting or just a traditional steal of Issey Miyake or Hugo Boss Intense (my top fave classics) and low and behold....what's that I spy?! 

*angels sing*

Look at the beautiful simplicity of it!! Even the colour of the perfume itself is lovely, reminiscent of old school scents. 

There is nothing old-fashioned about this. It’s part of the Marc Jacobs Splash collection which includes Pear, Rain and Cucumber. They are unisex fragrances and if the Pear is anything to go by I'd probably marry the next man I meet wearing it (let that be a warning to you ALL!)

To me it smells like liquorice and pears, liquorice-y pears! Warm and woody but not too sweet. A quick Google tells me the fragrance notes are

Top notes: pear, lemon, bergamot

Heart: juniper, gin, freesia
Base: teak, amber, musk

See that....GIN! Everything I love is related to gin! 

It’s an absolute delight of a perfume and if old MJ dares to discontinue after the summer I will hunt him down and poke ACTUAL pears up his nose! 👊❤



Camping Chronicles

Get a brew and strap in team....this is a loooooooong one!! My one and only experience of camping was aged 6, the back garden of my great a...