Sunday, 23 September 2012

Saturday Night Shenanigans

So me and my old pal gin had a date last night and boy oh boy it was a great reunion.

I hot footed it daaaawn the ‘Smoke’ (well.....Sunbury & Thames Ditton) to celebrate the 40th *cough* 21st birthday of my lovely chum Claire.

It started with checking in to a prison like hotel who had lovingly decorated with gaffer tape and light bulbs that didn’t work but it was clean and handy and despite a brief moment of utter panic when I couldn’t get my hair dryer to work…..pain free.

Make-upped, dressed and it came to donning the footwear….heels! For those that know me, a glint of fear will pass their eyes for I am a danger to myself and others when in anything higher than a flip flop. I have a history of throwing myself down stairs, curbs, pub doorways, paving slabs, imaginary trip hazards (you get the idea). In a word, I’m a blundering klutz with tiiiiiiiiny feet and a very large bottom and I will trip anywhere, adding height and instability is frankly asking for trouble.

Instruments of torture
 However fears and predictions of lasting approximately 20mins in them was unfounded as they didn’t come off until the lift of the hotel in the early hours and this is due to my old pal……..Gordon’s and tonic! Ohhh yes………..15 gallons of that and you feel nothing…..not even the shame of dancing to Take That and giving a full rendition of Never Forget! Dear god…we did! J

Oh G & T, why do you look green. I don't care...I love you!

We chatted, drank, laughed, flirted with the 2 cute barman and the old fella who came in, positioned himself at the bar and proceeded to get his book out and start reading as we danced around him….LOVE!  And why is there always the random guy at the end of the night who hugs you rather too enthusiastically? Was he part of the party? Oh well….let’s not spilt hairs….hugs are cool!

It was an ace night and I think everyone should have more Saturday nights like it. Good company, drink in abundance and not a nightclub in sight. I realise this makes me sound old but shizzle me nizzle (I’m still down with the kids!)….I care not a jot. It made me feel good to my bones AND no hangover this morning…..WIN!

So I think all that’s left to say is…

Happy Birthday Claire x
Brilliant :-)


  1. I'm sooo proud (and shocked) of you for lasting all night in heels. Well done aunty Taty!


  2. So was this night out just you and your glass of g&t?! Whatever, glad it was a success!


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