Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Desperately Seeking Yellow

So, me and yellow nails have a chequered history. I've tried and failed to find the perfect polish since I was old enough to wear it. Where does this obsession come from? Five words people....Five!


I mean LOOK!
Not only is it one of the best films ever made, Madonna in the 80's was a style icon! There's nothing cooler than massive crucifix's, black string tops and studded boots!

Now, lets be realistic, I was never going to rock that look and baring in mind I grew up in a small village in Northamptonshire, looking like a New York bad ass cool chick was unlikely and frankly frowned upon BUT I could at least attempt (badly) two of her looks. The hair...I had a perm. I didn't have the super hot roots and blond streaks but I got my mum to allow it and it awesome! (It looked dreadful, lets never speak of this again). Secondly I could do the nails, only I couldn't because yellow nail varnish was absolutely not available in Northamptonshire in the late 80's, early 90's....I'm not sure is even is now!?

Over the years I've tried loads in the hope of cool 80's chic (it IS cool) but the colours ranged from luminous yellow to a weird greeny, yellow blergh colour and they ALL made my hands look a bit jaundice which isn't ideal. I thought my dreams were dashed BUT then in a browse round my local Boots, the amazing range of Bourjois nail colours and BINGO! There she is and she's a beauty!

A slightly mustardy, slightly lemony shade, she's perfect and I love her! Look!

Excuse the dodgy application, it was dark, be thankful it's not up to my knuckles!

I LOVE this colour! I don't love that it only lasts about 1 day without chipping so you'll need a kick ass top coat but it totally got me one step close to Susan and that's the point right? It is.....HOORAY!!

Whilst we're on the subject of nail's some others I'm loving.

Nail Pop - Cool Britannia (Thanks to McB for tracking this down)

Barry M - Turquoise & Models Own  - Ibiza Mix

Cheerio for now. 



  1. Omg! I never knew you had a perm?! How didn't I know this?! Why haven't I seen pics?!!!

    Yellow nail colour highlights my nasty blue veins on my hands....schexy!


  2. WHAT?? You didn't know? Dear god...........How have you not seen photos? In fact, thank god you haven't. I looked an idiot!

    Ooh our collective jaundice and blue veins, we are hawt!! :-) x

    1. I need to pay Mare mare a visit and get the photo box out! x

  3. I'm putting her on RED ALERT!! :-) x

  4. Surely this is the easiest solution?!? :o)

  5. Oh Ben..........helpful as ever :-)

  6. Love, love, love it. Think I may need to purchase said varnish to use whilst dossing on Mat Leave. Thanks for the recommendation and thanks for the blog revival xx

  7. I think that's an excellent idea Mrs T! :-) xx


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