Brace yourselves.....I'm about to embarrass myself
Remember that insane teenybopper feeling you had over NKOTB, Bros, Brother Beyond, London Boys (am I showing my age yet?) Well.....I had that last night when I met RICHARD HERRING.
Normally what happens when I mention him is 'Who???' or "Oh, I loved him in the 90's". Well yes....he was in the comedy duo Lee and Herring with the lolz-worth Stuart Lee. Well, it was The Herring for me from the start. That cheeky face, that floppy hair, he played the joker to Lee's (slightly) straighter man. I loved him.....and then, weirdly they went off the screens. Comedy tastes change, I get that but despair....! No more Rich. He toured loads but I never got round to seeing him much to my embarrassment.
Cut to a number of years later (probably 20 odd...Christ on a bike!) and podcasts have become a thing. I bloody love a podcast. I love listening to people talk....I've got a massive thing about listening to a chat when driving long distances. Radio 4 dramas anyone?
Anyway anyway anyway.....whilst perusing the comedy podcast recommendations, what do I spy? Richard Herrings Leicester Square Theatre Podcasts or RHLSTP. 'RHLSTP!'
The man himself interviewing other comedians about their careers. Oh holy Jesus. This is the best thing that's ever happened. I downloaded them all and listened to approximately 60 of them in about a week. From Reece Shearsmith to Dawn French (OMG) to Tony Robinson to Sophie Hagen. A TOTAL JOY!!
My love affair renewed, I was happy and then one afternoon, in the midst of a working day I get an update email from Warwick Arts Centre and there he was, his little mischievous face smiling through the ether. HOLD To see the man himself on his latest tour, The Best, a collection of his best from over the years of touring I'd missed? OH BLOODY HELL YES! Booked, in the diary.....but I had to wait an ENTIRE year.
*drums fingers, taps feet* The day arrives.
With the giddy excitement of a teenaged Justin Bieber fan, I'm sat in the audience, 3 rows from the front. The lights dim, Joe Esposito's You're The Best blasts through the speakers 'Ladies and Gentlemen, the amazing Richard Herring' *rapturous applause*
The next 90 minutes was a cacophony of LOLZZZZ. Sweary, intelligent yet childish jokes upon jokes. I hurt from laughing. I absolutely loved it. I never wanted it to end.
Towards the end of the set he says he's happy to say hello to everyone, as a jobbing comedian he obviously has to make money so he sells merchandise after his shows but instead of a lacky sat behind the table he does it himself. HERE'S MY CHANCE TO RICHNAP (wait....did I say that out loud?) no no no I mean meet and hug. Honest guv!
We hung around the foyer and I started to think 'oh maybe it's a bit tragic to go and fawn all over him, really, I should be over this at my age.' Undeterred by my crisis of confidence my pal Suze encourages me to go over.
The queue had gone, I find myself directly in front of him.
"Hiya.....great show, really, um.....". My cheeks have never been brighter, literally on fire, my mind is blank!
He gives me that cheeky smile, 'oh thanks so, have a badge, he signs my programme and I'm about to leg it......I'm 37 going on 13!
Suze suddenly says....'wait, we need a photo'.
Richard says 'oh yes, we do, come on'
I'm almost on the floor from excitement.
There he is, tucked between us and I'm not lying when I say that this is THE HAPPIEST I'VE EVER BEEN IN MY LIFE and he, I have to tell you, is the loveliest man, gracious and charming and frankly, a full on delight. If you can get to see him, do it. You'll never regret it....!
And so, as a normal calm and collected adult I can truly say I've had my first teenage hysteria. I'm going to be high for weeks.
Christ, I need to get a grip!