Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Sewing Class Chronicles

Here was me thinking I'd rock up, mainly injure myself a lot but learn the basics of a new skill and be pretty nonchalant about the whole thing but approximately 3.4 seconds into the first lesson....HOOKED! Hooked in a deep, unidentifiable, random way that only really happens when you find true love. Well.....there's a turn up for the books (as the Mothership would say). Who knew that what my life was missing was textile crafts? I BLOODY LOVE IT!

Lesson 1 - I arrived stupidly early (A trait/curse I have inherited from my Dad, obscenely early to everything, with the exception of work!).

Reception sent me on a wild goose chase around the biggest and most confusing college and finally I found this cosy looking waiting area of the 'Art Dept'. Prison like don't you think....if anyone read my Back to School blog, will know about the prison course worries! Shanks!)

Look at it.....metal benches and tables (that was the actual light level). Not exactly inspiring is it? Anyway, I found my way to the class and it's walls were covered in brilliant fashion designs and industrial sewing machines. Immediate reaction....Holy shizballs, scared!

The tutor and a few other girls/ladies/woman where there already, a big friendly hello and we get taken to the pattern cutting room which was altogether more accessible. We go through a few intro thingamys including the massive steam iron (one week I'm just bringing all my laundry in...no really!) and then.............we finally get our hands on the MACHINES!!

Here she is...doesn't she look non scary (And so far...she is!) and I like her little pink accessory colours.

We cracked on with threading it up (still don't know how?) and then started getting used to the machine and sewing a few stitches. Now before you look at the follow photo, this was the first time I'd ever used a sewing machine so....well, shut up! :-)
3 straight lines, an S shape (almost in the lines....it's hard!) and a maze shape. I was the most excited I've been in years....!! Honestly, like a child on Haribo and this I fear is going to be my default setting whenever I enter the 'Sewing zone'!
Lesson 2 - Came round quickly and there was no hanging about. Machines out, cotton in, foot pedals at the ready and we were set to work 'bagging out'. Who?? This.....
I'll not explain the technicalities as really, rambling but I when I made those little pouches and it was the first time I thought...'I might be able to make something, something non shit, something real, something I could wear/use/give as pressies' NB: Worry not pals....none of you will be getting anything on that photo (apart from when I'm a famous designer and that will be my first stitches...no fighting over it now!!)
The whole of the lesson was about seams.....basic seaming, flat felled, mock felled....check out my lingo!! We got to use the steam iron and I suffered the first of my injuries....that bloody bastard is bloody HOT!! (Shhhh!)
Annnnyway we were then introduced to the 'Overlocker' Oh god yes....I'd heard the stories.....This bad boy seams edges so they don't fray and it has a shiny blade in there, just to make the fecker more dangerous for me to use!
Lesson 3 - More seaming going down.....French seams which are used for delicate fabrics which I totally messed up by snagging said fabric and un-threading my machine all in one fell swoop. I also sustained the second injury....my advice, pins AWAY from you!!! AWAY! :-) Still....I wasn't really fussed, I had my eye on the dye room....Oh yes, did I mention the dye room, where the messy shiz goes on, like screen printing! Ohhhh excitements! Tutor lady needs a volunteer......ME, ME, ME! I love messy arty stuff, I can see me doing more of that!
Tutor lady says we're progressing well and we might as well start on pattern cutting. Right, at this point I have a full on 'House of Elliot' moment. Pins in mouth, tape measure round neck, chalk in hand...."JAAAAAACK!!!" (those who watched, will know!) It was so so so cool....We pinned, drew, cut, ready for attaching this week!
I couldn't be happier!
P.S.....Anyone feel free to criticise my technical terms and explanations. :-)

Camping Chronicles

Get a brew and strap in team....this is a loooooooong one!! My one and only experience of camping was aged 6, the back garden of my great a...