Sunday, 23 September 2012

Saturday Night Shenanigans

So me and my old pal gin had a date last night and boy oh boy it was a great reunion.

I hot footed it daaaawn the ‘Smoke’ (well.....Sunbury & Thames Ditton) to celebrate the 40th *cough* 21st birthday of my lovely chum Claire.

It started with checking in to a prison like hotel who had lovingly decorated with gaffer tape and light bulbs that didn’t work but it was clean and handy and despite a brief moment of utter panic when I couldn’t get my hair dryer to work…..pain free.

Make-upped, dressed and it came to donning the footwear….heels! For those that know me, a glint of fear will pass their eyes for I am a danger to myself and others when in anything higher than a flip flop. I have a history of throwing myself down stairs, curbs, pub doorways, paving slabs, imaginary trip hazards (you get the idea). In a word, I’m a blundering klutz with tiiiiiiiiny feet and a very large bottom and I will trip anywhere, adding height and instability is frankly asking for trouble.

Instruments of torture
 However fears and predictions of lasting approximately 20mins in them was unfounded as they didn’t come off until the lift of the hotel in the early hours and this is due to my old pal……..Gordon’s and tonic! Ohhh yes………..15 gallons of that and you feel nothing…..not even the shame of dancing to Take That and giving a full rendition of Never Forget! Dear god…we did! J

Oh G & T, why do you look green. I don't care...I love you!

We chatted, drank, laughed, flirted with the 2 cute barman and the old fella who came in, positioned himself at the bar and proceeded to get his book out and start reading as we danced around him….LOVE!  And why is there always the random guy at the end of the night who hugs you rather too enthusiastically? Was he part of the party? Oh well….let’s not spilt hairs….hugs are cool!

It was an ace night and I think everyone should have more Saturday nights like it. Good company, drink in abundance and not a nightclub in sight. I realise this makes me sound old but shizzle me nizzle (I’m still down with the kids!)….I care not a jot. It made me feel good to my bones AND no hangover this morning…..WIN!

So I think all that’s left to say is…

Happy Birthday Claire x
Brilliant :-)

Monday, 10 September 2012

Back to School if the summer has only just gone and buggered off and it's back to school time.

No...I am not a teacher or a teenager. I am a fully fledged adult with 'several' years of education and qualification behind me yet for some mysterious reason I feel the need to keep learning. (Why can't I be done with the odd BBCFour documentary I'll never know?)

Tonight (Monday) is the start of CIPD Intermediate. It's an HR thingamy. I don't work in HR. I don’t have plans on leaving present job to start an HR career. I essentially have no idea what I'm doing and the best bit of all, I somehow passed the Foundation course last year. They took pity I think!
Ok Ok....I’m doing it through work so that I can keep track of holidays/stationary more efficiently! YES that requires at least 3 years of night school!!

Wednesday nights, night school is slight more exciting (for me) and a little terrifying (for me). A 12 week sewing and dressmaking course. Eeeeeeeeep!! I read the course programme last night, almost cried, didn’t understand a word of it....hyperventilated!

2 snippets

‘Seams and finishes. Mock Flat Felled, Flat Felled, French Q&A’ – French....? French? We need to know French? I’m doomed!

‘Buttons and Buttonholes Flank, Shank, Covered Buttons’ – Flanks? Shanks? Is this a prison course? Nervous!

I fully expect to have sewed my hand to the machine approximately 10 minutes into the lesson. The teacher will do the first of many eye rolls and small sighs and patiently untangle me from a cotton and pin cobweb.

I see good things happening from this and I intend to keep you fully updated with any dreadful creations I make OR just expect to see photos of sewing injuries!

Cheery Bye x

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Tales of Dating

There is something about finding yourself the only single, thirty something amongst married or nearly married pals who are all in the midst of having or have had whippersnappers that leads you to believe you're entering the 'Wilderness Years' and this draws you into thinking ‘maybe I should give internet dating another go?’

Now I had a flirt with web based boy searches a while ago which resulted in a few funny stories but nothing really came of it, possibly as a result of the kinds of boys I dated. (I blame myself and my terrible judge of character!)

The first man I ever met online/offline was slightly older, he gave good email, he seemed funny and above all....seemingly not unhinged. I thought...this could be ok. Not at all...I uncovered an enormous cowboy boot collection (enormous, like 30 odd pairs of the exact same boot! Nuts!) and evidence of an existing relationship (I hope she found out!) He also had developed a tendency to ask me “So, what’s my best feature?” “What do you like most about me?” constantly. Tedious twat!

After him I had a succession of nondescript dates with fairly innocuous fellows who were perfectly pleasant but all seemed to have told tall tales in the height department. Now I don’t care about height, I’m fairly fat so I say so. If there’s going to be a chance we’ll meet then it’s obvious right and I’ll probably be in heels....there’ll be some ‘towering’ going’s just uncomfortable!

The last one and the death knell of my internet dating for a time was ‘The Copper’ or ‘PC Fuckface ‘as my pals renamed him. A gem that kept me hanging on and on for around 2 years, then disappeared, taking a healthy chunk of my self esteem with him. Frankly the less said the better.....I’ll only get badass and throw a shoe or something!

Anyway! Anyway! Anyway!

Scroll forward a bit and the ‘Wilderness Years’ are starting to bite and even my strangest friends are now all settled so I think maybe it’s changed, I’ll have another squizz at the internet. Enter a recognized free site. (I should have known) WELL.....that was a whole other ball game of bizarre!

I didn’t actually meet anyone off this site as the emails I received chilled me to the bone!

As an example, here are 3 of the loves!

Firstly, Mike (actual name, not his username, that would be insane and I’m not going to expose any of you to him!). Mike had two photos on his profile. A torso which ‘could’ have been his or ‘could’ have been someone he murdered? Who would know? And his car!
Mike had a strange email strategy. Seven separate emails in straight succession of a single smiley face followed by seven separate ‘Hi’ emails, closely followed by a lengthy rant as I hadn’t replied in 4.2 seconds. Apparently I am ‘a feminist bitch who would know a good man if he shagged you’. What IS he talking about? Deranged! I missed a catch here didn’t I?

Then there was ‘SexiBoi’ (really!). His message was straight to the point, well after I’d deciphered the ‘text speak (I’m old, shut up!)
‘Hay Bay B – U Fuc or Wot?’................And they say romance is dead! *stares*

Then there was ‘Dave77’. There’s always a Dave isn’t there? Not that all Dave’s are bad or odd, my Dad is a Dave and he’s frickin awesome but THIS Dave is the kind of Dave that is friends with his cat....................and only his cat.

Dave posted 12 pictures of him and his cat in weirdy poses, even the cat looked scared!

Dave talks about himself in the 3rd person.

Dave uses his cat to narrative his life!

THAT’S IT ......I deleted my profile!

I concluded with the impression that single is good, it’s ok, it’s devoid of lunatics, I’m toooootally cool with it.

The ‘Wilderness Years’? BRING IT!

*pours 2 gins, clinks, drinks both, watches re-runs of Downton Abbey on repeat* because I can and NO this doesn’t make me as bad as Dave77!!!

Toodles x


Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Desperately Seeking Yellow

So, me and yellow nails have a chequered history. I've tried and failed to find the perfect polish since I was old enough to wear it. Where does this obsession come from? Five words people....Five!


I mean LOOK!
Not only is it one of the best films ever made, Madonna in the 80's was a style icon! There's nothing cooler than massive crucifix's, black string tops and studded boots!

Now, lets be realistic, I was never going to rock that look and baring in mind I grew up in a small village in Northamptonshire, looking like a New York bad ass cool chick was unlikely and frankly frowned upon BUT I could at least attempt (badly) two of her looks. The hair...I had a perm. I didn't have the super hot roots and blond streaks but I got my mum to allow it and it awesome! (It looked dreadful, lets never speak of this again). Secondly I could do the nails, only I couldn't because yellow nail varnish was absolutely not available in Northamptonshire in the late 80's, early 90's....I'm not sure is even is now!?

Over the years I've tried loads in the hope of cool 80's chic (it IS cool) but the colours ranged from luminous yellow to a weird greeny, yellow blergh colour and they ALL made my hands look a bit jaundice which isn't ideal. I thought my dreams were dashed BUT then in a browse round my local Boots, the amazing range of Bourjois nail colours and BINGO! There she is and she's a beauty!

A slightly mustardy, slightly lemony shade, she's perfect and I love her! Look!

Excuse the dodgy application, it was dark, be thankful it's not up to my knuckles!

I LOVE this colour! I don't love that it only lasts about 1 day without chipping so you'll need a kick ass top coat but it totally got me one step close to Susan and that's the point right? It is.....HOORAY!!

Whilst we're on the subject of nail's some others I'm loving.

Nail Pop - Cool Britannia (Thanks to McB for tracking this down)

Barry M - Turquoise & Models Own  - Ibiza Mix

Cheerio for now. 


Tuesday, 4 September 2012

New Ways to Irritate

Hello Darlinks

Welcome to the first post of my new blog. I had one before but it was a terrible bleat about weight loss (and lack thereof). I decided to ditch that beast and start afresh with shiny posts about nail varnish and cake and any number of scintillating topics.

I realise that this will interest about 0.00000001 of the population but that's not gonna stop me, I shall write and review and generally get on my reader(s) nerves with my unending drivel.

So here’s to nonsense, twaddle and tonic...........chin chin xx

Camping Chronicles

Get a brew and strap in team....this is a loooooooong one!! My one and only experience of camping was aged 6, the back garden of my great a...